Frankfurt/Germany. The German professional magazine "Der Immobilienbewerter" (engl. The Real Estate Valuer) presents in the current issue 4/2022 exclusively contents of the new expert book by Ronny Kazyska with the German title "Die Wertermittlung von Wolkenkratzern in internationalen Märkten" (engl. The Valuation of Skyscrapers in International Markets.
The multi-page professional article addresses individual topics from the book. It describes, for instance, the situation of the global stock of skyscrapers. The structural characteristics of skyscrapers get characterized. The specifics of the land value of skyscrapers are explained. The different total lifetimes, considering their types of use, are mentioned. Recommendations are given for the individual management costs, which include administration and maintenance costs as well as the risk of loss of rent. The special features of the operating costs are explained. A modernization risk is discussed. Rent heights, purchase prices, and yields in skyscrapers are specified. The article ends with an exemplary valuation of a skyscraper in London, the capital of the United Kingdom.
A free sample issue of the specialist journal "Der Immobilienbewerter" can be ordered online at any time, free of shipping costs from Reguvis Fachmedien.
The professional book of Ronny Kazyska "Die Wertermittlung von Wolkenkratzern in internationalen Märkten" (engl. The Valuation of Skyscrapers in International Markets) describes fundamentally with a lot of background information on the valuation of this extraordinary property. The topics covered in the book on skyscrapers include risks from various perspectives, characteristic features of construction technology, sustainability in the context of environmental impact, economic efficiency with typical characteristics and important ratios, construction costs in international comparison, special features in land value determination, analysis of total lifetimes taking into account the different types of use, international rent comparison, approaches to the different management costs, analysis of transaction activity with worldwide comparison of purchase prices and yields.
The book is primarily written for real estate experts, but because of the depth of background knowledge, it is also well suited for anyone interested in skyscrapers. After studying the book, the reader will understand this spectacular property type comprehensively, which always polarizes and shapes the cityscape of important metropolises worldwide.
The German publication " Die Wertermittlung von Wolkenkratzern in internationalen Märkten" can be ordered exclusively from the author Ronny Kazyska.
Ronny Kazyska
Messeturm ׀ Trade Fair Tower
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49
60308 Frankfurt ׀ Germany
T: +49 69 46992759 ׀ M: +49 171 6976008
Ronny Kazyska is a broker and valuer of investment properties in Germany. The company focuses on all commercial properties such as office, retail, industrial, special or operator-run properties as well as on residential properties such as apartment complexes, multi-family houses, apartment buildings, or mixed residential and commercial buildings. The head office is in Frankfurt am Main, and the company is active in all major cities in Germany through an excellent investor network. A large number of real estate transactions have already been successfully accompanied. Ronny Kazyska is economically independent and free of third-party interests and thus autonomous of instructions, insurance, and banks. Valuations are carried out according to national and/or international valuation methods.